In the Media
Fury Over Man's Response to Wife Refusing To Take Contraception: 'Selfish'
Teen Refusing to Apologize to Stepmom After Making Dig at Pregnancy Backed
Here's How To Stop an Argument With a Narcissist From Spinning Out Of Control
Featured on @The Voice Of Counseling Podcast
35 Phrases To Disarm a Narcissist and Why They Do the Trick, According to Therapists
6 Types of Narcissists—And the One You Really Need To Avoid, According to Mental Health Experts
Narcissists all follow the same patterns
Mom's Excuse for Returning Adult Daughter's Packages Slammed—'Had No Right'
Featured on Bite Your Tongue: The Podcast
Bylined Article: Understanding The Costs of Owning a Private Practice
Featured In: The Long Journey to Overcoming Codependency
Featured In: What to Do If Your Partner Is Overly Insecure
Love Your Children Through their ADHD Rather than Disciplining them Because of it
I am passionate about teaching others that ADHD can be a superpower when it is embraced rather than fought against. To embrace it though, you need to truly understand it.
Keep reading to learn more!
Featured In: How Does ADHD Affect Marriage?
Featured in: 6 Red Flags That Spell Cheating, Therapists Warn
Featured In: 4 Natural Ways to Cope with ADHD Symptoms
Featured on @themomentologist’s Podcast
Narcissists aren't necessarily evil people, but their patterns of behavior cause significant harm to others in their families and spheres of influence. Join me in this episode with Dr. Mitch Abblett to discuss the nature of narcissists’ impact on others, how to frame it, and how to begin to realign your life toward self-love and healthy action. Check it out!
Featured on @thattrendytherapist ’s Podcast
In this episode, I share a collection of information on themes around pathological narcissism, why one might become a narcissist, how to spot a narcissist, how to heal from narcissistic abuse, and more. Check it out!
Loving Parenting of Teenagers 101
Parenting kids is a challenging task. Parenting teenagers especially feels insurmountable at times. My question today ponders an important question: What is our primary job as a parent?
The Essence of Who I Am
It can be difficult to sum up all that you are in the span of a few sentences. However, I am up for the challenge. From Enneagram type to how I handle conflict, this is the essence of me.